It was like something out of a sentimental movie; the stars must have been in alignment. Things don't usually work out as neatly as this.

So there I was. I'd put up this site, for reasons as explained elsewhere (link to "the concept" page), and was using it as part of the promotional effort to entice people to come to The Windmill to hear some ace records and watch Little Barrie on December 5 2001. But the fact that I still didn't really know anything about Power Of Zeus was gnawing away at me.

As it was all in my mind, the gig was coming up, and my curiosity had been piqued - not to mention something of my frustration that I had arrived at what I hoped would be an auspicious date without knowing anything, really, of the unintentional inspiration behind it - I dug a little deeper with my research. I'd already been to every page I could find on the internet that mentioned the band or the album, but had drawn blanks when it came to finding out anything that I couldn't already have pieced together myself. But then, after deciding to try to search again for details on the individual band members, Google threw one of its inspiring little suggestions at me. Unable to find any reference on line to PoZ guitarist Joe Periano, the search engine asked "Do you mean Joe Peraino?" Well, no, I didn't. But, then again, what the hell.

Among the various Joe Perainos out there in the big wild wired world was one who worked as a booking agent in Michigan. Well, it was the music business, and the locale placed him at least in the same state as Motown. It had to be worth a try. So I fired off an email, which is why, at roughly 2am on the very day of the very first Power of Zeus club in Brixton, I found myself on the phone, having a conversation with the band's guitarist and de facto leader.

The Power of Zeus story is incident-packed, wryly amusing and sometimes tragic. And you'll be able to read it here. Soon. Promise.